5 Ways To Throw The Sweetest Birthday Party

5 Ways To Throw The Sweetest Birthday Party

PartyAllo Singapore - 5 Ways To Throw The Sweetest Birthday Party - Best Event Management in Singapore

The day comes near. The guest list was made, the invitations were handed out in school. Your child’s net birthday is right around the corner. And for it, a big birthday bash needs to be organized. After a lot of searching and hard-work, a venue is finally booked. Or alternately, maybe you decide to celebrate your little one’s birthday right in your backyard.
The snacks menu has been drawn out. You’ve called for Hot Dog Live Station and Cup Corn Live Station, and all the French Fries Live Station and Popcorn they can eat. Now all that’s left to do is to find out sweets you will give out to the children, when they come around to your party.

You can’t have a successful birthday party without loads of those sugary goodies. And if you nail the dessert menu, you know that your child’s birthday party will be the talk of the school the next day. You want to make sure that you do your best. That you leave no stone unturned. You want to make sure that the kids that come over to the birthday party have the best time of their tiny lives.

In this article, lets talk about a list of sweets that you can serve at the birthday party, to ensure maximum enjoyment for the kids. And also, for the parents that will be in attendance.

  1. Candy Floss Live Station

This light and air treat is also popularly called Cotton Candy or Fairy Floss is a staple at any children’s party. The bright pink colour and the sweet taste becomes an immediate attraction at the event. This origin of this sweet delicacy can be traced back to early Italy during the Renaissance period. Back then, the sugar was spun and melted by hand. It’s these wispy strands of sugar that give it the signature fluffy cotton texture.

  1. Snow Cone Live Station

The operator turns the machine, and delicious shavings of snow fall from the grinder. These shavings are then collected and placed in a cone. Your favorite flavor is selected and generously poured into the shaved ice, creating a delicious cold mixture of refreshing ice and sweet flavors.
The snow cone is a definite hit at parties. The portability and flavours makes it alluring to children, who often enjoy mixing various flavors together to create newer fun and exciting snow cones.

  1. Ice Cream Live Station

What list of Party Sweets is even complete without a mention of the very ubiquitous Ice cream. This is a sweet that you will find everywhere right from restaurants to hand carts on the streets. The hand carts on the street have a liveliness that withstands all comparisons. Children love to crowd around the cart, and loudly ask the operator to draw out their favorite flavor. This exciting energy is exactly the kind of thing that makes a good party great.
An ice-cream live stand is a birthday party must.

  1. Ice Kacang / Ice Chendol Live Station

This deliciously cold sweet preparation is a native of Singapore. Among the internationally famous Ice cream, and candy floss, and snow cones, the Kacang Chendol holds a dear place in our hearts. Its gelatinous texture coupled with the sweet syrupy goodness create a desert fit for kings.
Not only is it fun to make and eat, but it is also a recipe made from various local ingredients that is healthier than its well-known counterparts.

  1. Churros Live Station

Having mentioned all the cold treats, we’ll be remiss if we overlook his hot one. These Spanish delicacies have fast become a popular party snack all over the world. This sweet pastry is baked to have a consistency that is thin and crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.
The unique shape of the Churros makes it easy for children to hold it, while they run around and play with their friends!

With these live stations at your kid’s next birthday party, you are sure to blow away the tiny guests with a fun and frolicking birthday party. 

However, as always, too much of any good this is bad. And therefore, as parents, its important that we keep a vigilant eye and make sure that the children don’t end up over-indulging.

To throw your next bustling birthday bash in Singapore, and to help you with all your planning and catering needs, Partyallo is a long-time Singapore based events management company. We have curated events for everyone, from big corporate functions, to much more intimate Family Days and Birthday parties
For more information on curating your next celebration event in Singapore, please visit:


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